Highly Effective Evidenced-Based Drug Rehab Garners Attention In New England

Within the medical field, it is commonplace to determine the effectiveness of a methodology or treatment by gaining empirical evidence via theory in practice. One particular drug rehab facility has dedicated the past 12 years to refining their treatment program to produce the most optimal outcomes for their clients.

Since their beginning over a decade ago, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has been providing their patients with the most cutting-edge, effective drug addiction treatment program available. Recently, their decade-long body of work has culminated in their latest treatment model which has been trademarked and termed as the Integrated Care Model.

Often times, drug rehab programs simply focus on symptom management of an individual’s addiction. Rarely are treatment programs concerned with all aspects of an individual, from physical symptom management, to spiritual aspects as well as any social issues that may arise due to the addiction.

“When we first began our program, we realized that, in order to maximize the chances for successful recovery, we must address all of the facets of an individual instead of merely offering symptom management,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside. “Most addicted individuals are disconnected from reality and out of touch with themselves. We take them through the process of individualizing a treatment plan specifically for them which addresses their complete needs. As a result, we are able to get people fully engaged in their recoveries. And, when a person is truly, fully invested in becoming well, the chance for successful, long-term sobriety skyrockets.”

While core tenets of traditional drug addiction treatment are observed, Mountainside offers its clients a long list of treatment initiatives which are designed to appeal to a variety of different people from a variety of different backgrounds. As such, individuals are given what they need to become released from the powerful grip of drug and alcohol addiction.

Via EPR Network
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