Category Archives: Public Health

Het DBLG1-algoritme: eenvoudige installatie, gebruiksvriendelijk, ontworpeyyn voor elk diabetes type 1 profiel

PARIJS, 2-Jun-2021 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — Vanaf het begin heeft Diabeloop innovatieve systemen ontwikkeld om de behandeling van diabetes type 1 te automatiseren en te personaliseren, waarbij altijd rekening wordt gehouden met de optiek van de patiënt. Het Franse bedrijf streeft ernaar autonomie te geven aan mensen die met diabetes type 1 leven en tegelijkertijd de gebruikerservaring te optimaliseren zodat behandeling van diabetes eenvoudiger en minder ingrijpend is. Het DBLG1-algoritme biedt een bevredigende, geautomatiseerde en gepersonaliseerde ervaring met minimale input van de patiënt.

DBLG1: eenvoudige installatie, gebruiksvriendelijk, ontworpen voor elk diabetes type 1 profiel

De zware mentale last op de schouders van mensen met diabetes type 1 verlichten, begint in de eerste fasen van de ervaring met DBLG1. Gebruikers hoeven maar 4 gegevens in te voeren in het allernieuwste DBLG1-algoritme voor een veilige, geautomatiseerde en gepersonaliseerde insuline-afgifte. In de opzetfase voeren gebruikers van DBLG1 hun lichaamsgewicht in, hun totale dagelijkse insulinedosis (TDD), hun gebruikelijke maaltijden (in grammen koolhydraten) en hun basale insulinebehoefte (alleen voor open-loop). Voor het Diabeloop-algoritme zijn geen ingewikkelde berekeningen nodig. Gebruikers hoeven hun maaltijdratio niet uit te zoeken, noch hun insuline gevoeligheidsfactor noch hun insuline actiecurve.

De 4 gegevens die de patiënt in de beginfase invoert, zijn voldoende voor het DBLG1 zelflerend algoritme om te functioneren, te berekenen en de insulinedosis zo nodig elke vijf minuten aan te passen.

“We hebben het DBLG1-algoritme zo ontworpen dat het zo eenvoudig mogelijk in gebruik is voor mensen met diabetes type 1 en gebruikers tegelijkertijd de gelegenheid hebben bepaalde parameters nauwkeuriger in te stellen afhankelijk van hun specifieke behoeften en/of leefstijl. Het algoritme houdt automatisch rekening met eventuele wijzigingen die mensen invoeren. Het DBLG1-algoritme optimaliseert de werking automatisch zonder dat de patiënt hier iets voor hoeft te doen. Wijzigingen verlopen op die manier heel soepel en worden vrijwel “onzichtbaar” voor de gebruikers van het systeem“ – vertelde Yousra Tourki, Head of Algorithms Design bij Diabeloop.

Naast de eerste input biedt het DBLG1 System ook de mogelijkheid aan mensen die met diabetes type 1 leven om de behandeling en beheersing van hun diabetes nauwkeurig in te stellen met behulp van aanpasbare instellingen zoals de agressiviteit van het algoritme, de grenswaarden van hypo’s en hypers en de streefwaarde van de glucosespiegel.

Nicole Wetzels, Trainer voor Roche Diabetes Care in Nederland en gebruikster van het DBLG1 System met Accu-Check Insight, vertelt: “Ik leef al meer dan 42 jaar met diabetes type 1 en ben een paar maanden geleden begonnen met het gebruik van het DBLG1 System met een Accu-Chek insulinepomp. De opzet was heel eenvoudig: de batterij in het apparaat doen, de handset opladen en maar 4 parameters invoeren. Het invoeren van een maaltijd is een van de weinige dingen die ik zelf moet doen en ook dat is heel simpel! Maar ik heb tevens de mogelijkheid het systeem te personaliseren door bepaalde instellingen aan te passen zoals de streefwaarde van de glucosespiegel of de grenswaarden voor de hypo … Met hele kleine acties heb ik hele goede resultaten. Dankzij dit AID-systeem hoef ik niet meer de hele dag bezig te zijn met het beheersen en behandelen van mijn diabetes. Het is net of mijn diabetes type 1 op vakantie is!”

DBLG1 AID-systeem: minimale input van de patiënt nodig

Om de bruikbaarheid van het DBLG1 System te beoordelen heeft Diabeloop een wetenschappelijk onderzoek uitgevoerd op basis van reële gegevens afkomstig uit de klinisch proef (1) die vóór de lancering vanhet systeem is gerealiseerd. Het doel was het analyseren van het aantal instellingswijzingen door mensen die het systeem in het dagelijkse leven gebruiken. In de eerste week dat patiënten het DBLG1 System gebruikten, voerden ze gemiddeld slechts 1.6 instellingswijzigingen uit (± 2.3), en maar 0.2 wijziging (± 0.5) in de laatste week van de proef na 11 weken gebruik.

De belangrijkste conclusie is dat in het dagelijkse leven, wanneer de gebruikers zich niet in een beheerste omgeving bevinden zonder specifieke medische follow-up en/of aanbevelingen voor instellingswijzigingen van hun zorgteam, de mensen uitgerust met het DBGL1 System minimale aanpassingen hoeven uit te voeren om te profiteren van een bevredigende, geautomatiseerde en gepersonaliseerde diabetesbehandeling.

Verdere wetenschappelijke analyse (2) toont de gebruiksvriendelijkheid aan van het Automated Insulin Delivery-systeem van Diabeloop. Deze analyse gaf aan dat in de eerste week, 50% van de mensen die het DBLG1 System gebruikten, geen instellingswijzigingen uitvoerden. Bovendien wijzigden meer dan 85% van de mensen uitgerust met het systeem geen enkele instelling gedurende de 8ste week van gebruik.

Dit bevestigt dat het zelflerend algoritme van Diabeloop vanaf de beginfase de behandeling van diabetes type 1 optimaliseert en minimale input van de patiënt nodig heeft om de vereiste ondersteuning te bieden.

Bernhard Gehr, arts en diabetoloog, Centrum voor Diabetes en Metabole ziekten, gespecialiseerde kliniek m&i Fachklinik Bad Heilbrunn, licht toe: “Ik gebruik het DBLG1 System met de Accu-Chek Insight insulinepomp. De opzet en de eerste handelingen zijn zeer eenvoudig. De eenvoud van de gebruikersinterface maakt snelle en makkelijke invoer van de benodigde informatie mogelijk. Ik ben echt onder de indruk van de prestaties van het DBLG1 System. Vanaf de eerste dag had ik een goede controle over mijn stofwisseling. Ik heb veel meer gemoedsrust aangezien ik veel minder aan mijn diabetes hoef te denken! Dit systeem vereist minder tot vrijwel geen micromanagement van mijn behandeling. Ik was aangenaam verrast over hoe goed het algoritme tijdens de eerste nacht functioneerde, met zo weinig input in de beginfase.”

Met DBLG1 beheersen mensen hun eigen diabetesbehandeling

Het DBLG1 System is gebruiksvriendelijk en kan gepersonaliseerd worden zodat mensen die met diabetes leven verschillende instellingen kunnen beheersen.

In het dagelijkse leven biedt het DBLG1 System mensen de mogelijkheid de aan te passen zodat insuline-afgifte bijgesteld wordt om een hypo of hyper te voorkomen. Een van de onderzoeken (3) van Diabeloop, gepresenteerd op ATTD 2021, onthulde dat een daling van de glucosespiegel streefwaarde over het algemeen een vergelijkbare daling van de gemiddelde glucospiegel tot gevolg heeft. Bijvoorbeeld, -10% van de glucosespiegel streefwaarde leidt tot -10% van de gemiddelde glucosespiegel.

In overeenstemming met de missie van Diabeloop om de zware mentale last op de schouders van mensen met diabetes type 1 te verlichten en hen een ongestoord leven te bieden, bevat het systeem een Zen-modus, ontwikkeld op basis van de ervaringen van patiënten. Deze modus verhoogt tijdelijk de doelwaarde van de bloedsuikerspiegel: om rustig naar de bioscoop te gaan of een vergadering bij te wonen zonder een verstorende hypoglykemie en de bijbehorende waarschuwingssignalen, kunnen gebruikers de Zen-modus aanzetten zodat hun glucosespiegel tijdelijk en voor een door hen ingestelde tijd verhoogd wordt.

Een persoon die het DBLG1 System met Accu-Check Insight insulinepomp gebruikt, vertelde: “Zen-modus is voor al die momenten waarop je je “veiliger” wil voelen: tijdens het autorijden, op school, tijdens een examen.”

Een wetenschappelijk onderzoek (4) geleid door Diabeloop en gepresenteerd op ATTD 2021, toonde aan dat 90 minuten na de activering van de Zen-modus, de impact op de gemiddelde glucosespiegel gestabiliseerd was zonder de hyperglykemie te verlengen.

De conclusie is dat, voor een tijd die door de patiënt wordt bepaald, de Zen-modus de gebruikers uit een hypo houdt en tevens een hyper voorkomt. De Zen-modus leidt tot een lichte verhoging van de gemiddelde glykemie met een zeer beperkte impact op de time-in-range.

Het eenvoudige gebruik van het DBLG1 zelflerend algoritme draagt bij tot een ongecompliceerde diabetesbehandeling en haalt een mentale last van de schouders van mensen die leven met deze chronische ziekte zodat ze ongestoord kunnen leven!

SOURCE: EuropaWire

AirGuard™ – washable, reusable, approved 5-Layered Nano-PTFE filtering technology cloth face mask with BFE of over 95%

BOLOGNA, Italy, 31-Mar-2021 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — Creative Concepts Manufacturing Group announces campaign launch of their new innovative cloth mask – AirGuard™. The tested and approved 5-Layered Nano-PTFE filtering technology cloth face mask that is washable, reusable, and that has a bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) of over 95%. Creative Concepts is ready to secure worldwide distribution and is proud to be a significant part of the solution in helping to protect against the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Creative Concepts Manufacturing Group is a leading manufacturer of various inventions, creators of the GoTech™ Cordless Technology, and with over 4 decades of experience in the OEM/ODM and License Manufacturing, its Product Managers and owners, Vin and Joe Advani are pleased to announce the launch of their new PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) – the AIRGUARD cloth face mask with the goal of preventing individuals from spreading the COVID-19 virus, while ensuring the safety and comfort in wearing the mask.

According to the US CDC and European health authorities, 5 layer or equivalent face masks are mandatory and are the most protective type of a mask in preventing the spread of viruses. Most masks are either uncomfortable and do not help in filtering the size of the microns in the air. Available 3-ply masks can only be worn once before being disposed which creates a lot of pollution – not to mention waste of money. Creative Concepts took those negatives and created something positive – the AIRGUARD. It has a 5-Layer Nano-PTFE filtering technology that has a greater than 95% bacterial filtration efficiency against 0.3 micron particles in the air (like the COVID-19 virus), an equivalency of the N95 respirator. AIRGUARD™ is made from anti-bacterial breathable cotton that makes the airflow smooth and comfortable when wearing. Furthermore, the AIRGUARD™ cloth mask is hypoallergenic and has anti-microbial properties so you do not feel itchy or suffocated. The best part about the AIRGUARD™ cloth mask is that it is washable, reusable and sweat resistant. You can wash or put the AIRGUARD™ mask in the washing machine and reuse them with the same filtering properties and comfort. The AIRGUARD™ can be washed and reused up to 50 times. The outer layer is water-repellent and will not get wet from sweat during your workout or exercise.

Most cloth masks available in the market now have a maximum of 2 or 3 layers and has less or no filtering properties against harmful micron particles in the air.

As per the Director of National Institute of Health, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci – Wearing multiple layers of mask just “makes common sense” and “likely would be more effective”. AIRGUARD™ is the only 5-Layered reusable cloth mask that is more effective in preventing the spread of the virus.

AIRGUARD™ is being distributed worldwide. For more information on AIRGUARD™ cloth mask please visit

The AIRGUARD™ reusable cloth mask has passed several mandatory testing required by law and to provide a sense of protection for its consumers. Following are the testing approvals sought by Creative Concepts on the AIRGUARD™ by authorized testing bodies like SGS, Nelson Labs, Intertek, Bureau Veritas and UL.

  • Face Fit Test

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases

URSAPHARM and CEBINA collaborating to repurpose the antihistamine drug azelastine hydrochloride as a potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 therapeutic

SAARBRÜCKEN / VIENNA, 17-Feb-2021 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — In the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a large number of pharmaceutical companies are looking for new approaches to combat the pandemic. In addition to vaccines, intensive research and development efforts around the world are focusing on identifying new anti-COVID therapeutics that includes re-evaluation of existing product portfolios with a view to re-purpose drugs that have antiviral properties.

With this goal in mind, URSAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH, based in Saarbrücken, and the Vienna-based biotech company CEBINA GmbH (Central European Biotech Incubator and Accelerator) are collaborating to repurpose the antihistamine drug azelastine hydrochloride as a potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 therapeutic. Azelastine has been successfully used for many years in anti-allergic therapy.

Starting with a novel computational drug repurposing prediction method, developed and performed by Prof Dr Robert Konrat (University of Vienna), CEBINA selected already approved active substances for experimental testing in collaboration with Prof Dr. Ferenc Jakab (Virology National Laboratory, Szentágothai-Research-Center, University of Pécs, Hungary). This collaborative effort led to the identification of azelastine as a potent antiviral compound effective against SARS-CoV-2, a finding confirmed by now by several independent research groups. The potent anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity of azelastine was demonstrated in a reconstituted human nasal tissue model and was evident at a lower dose than present in commercially available nasal sprays [1].

A clinical trial has started on February 16th 2021 to verify whether the use of a nasal spray preparation containing azelastine can achieve a reduction in viral load in the the nasal cavity. The aim of the study is to show whether the anti-allergic medication Pollival® Nasal Spray, or a diluted version, can achieve a reduction in the viral load, therefore reducing transmission and positively influencing the course of the disease.

If positive results of the running clinical studies are demonstrated, URSAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH and CEBINA GmbH believe this will be an important new approach to control viral spread and contain the current pandemic.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Code18 Interactive Launches New Websites for Balmex and Balmex Adult

New York, NY, 2021-Jan-20 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — New York digital agency Code18 Interactive gives two health and wellness brands—Balmex Complete Protection and Balmex AdultAdvantage—custom websites that will provide peace of mind and relief for everyone from baby to grandpa. Both sites are fully responsive and built on the WordPress platform.

Code18 Interactive, a boutique digital agency based in New York City, announces the launch of new health and wellness websites for Balmex Complete Protectin and Balmex AdultAdvantage. Both are fully custom and fully responsive WordPress websites – helps elevate and refresh a legacy brand while providing helpful diaper rash solutions and peace of mind for new parents, and showcases over-the-counter relief for adults who experience skin irritation and chafing caused by incontinence or light bladder leakage. Both sites also feature e-commerce capabilities powered by WooCommerce, enabling the brands to offer Direct-to-Consumer sales for the first time.

The Balmex Complete Protection and Balmex AdultAdvantage brands are both part of the Randob Labs portfolio. Randob Labs is a private, family-held company that specializes in revitalizing and maintaining heritage brands on the OTC healthcare space. “Collaborating and working with Randob Labs has been an exciting adventure. Both Balmex and Balmex Adult provide big relief from common, irritating issues,” says Code18 Interactive founder Steve Pilon. “And providing relief and solutions to everyday problems is exactly what Randob Labs is all about. We’re thrilled to be a part of this process.”

As a well-established presence in the baby aisle, Balmex Complete Protection offers pediatrician-recommended diaper rash cream and multi-purpose healing ointment to help protect, soothe and heal baby’s delicate skin. “Many health and wellness websites only talk about what their product can do for consumers. However, Balmex is all about providing fast relief and reliable, proven solutions. Therefore, the website needed to clearly explain the causes of diaper rash and skin irritation, as well as provide simple steps parents can take to help prevent diaper rash in the first place,” says Pilon. “The brand’s willingness to go the extra mile for new parents is just one of the many reasons parents have been trusting Balmex for over 50 years.”

Clinically proven Balmex AdultAdvantage offers the same key benefits—a cream that protects, soothes and heals irritated and chafed skin—as its 50-year-old sibling brand. Available as a standalone skin relief cream or as part of an innovative on-the-go, 3-in-1 kit, Balmex AdultAdvantage helps older adults live life more comfortably. “For many older adults incontinence or bladder leakage controls their life, and unfortunately, many people just accept this fate,” says Pilon. “With the Balmex Adult website we really focused on awareness—awareness of this fantastic product, awareness of the benefits, and mostly, awareness that you can take back control of your life with Balmex AdultAdvantage.”

Code18 Interactive is a New York WordPress Agency that caters primarily to national consumer and media brands. The agency specializes in the design and development of enterprise-level WordPress and Magento 2 websites. They have the pleasure of working with many wonderful brands, including: GoGo squeeZ, Boursin Cheese, Public Radio International, The Laughing Cow, Grove Atlantic Publishing, C.O. Bigelow and many others.

For more information, please visit

Media contact:

Steve Pilon
Code18 Interactive
175 Varick Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10014 USA

Phone: 404-585-2725

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases

ShigETEC vaccine candidate has the potential to have a major impact on diarrheal diseases

VIENNA, 24-Sep-2020 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — Eveliqure Biotechnologies GmbH, an Austrian biotechnology company, today announces the initiation of clinical testing for its ShigETEC vaccine candidate, with the dosing of the first subject in a Phase 1 safety and immunogenicity study in Europe. ShigETEC is an orally administered vaccine candidate targeting Shigella and Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), two of the major pathogens responsible for diarrhoeal diseases in travelers to endemic countries, as well as a major threat to children living in low- and middle- income countries.

Currently no effective vaccines against these two pathogens exist and previous attempts to develop vaccines against Shigella and ETEC have failed. Eveliqure has employed a radically innovative approach based on a live attenuated Shigella vaccine strain rationally designed to provide broad, serotype independent protection against both Shigella and ETEC, and is developing the vaccine for both travelers to endemic countries and for children living in resource-poor countries. Following this initial Phase 1 study run in Hungary, further clinical development of ShigETEC will include Phase 1 testing in non-endemic adults, immune characterization of vaccine responses, vaccine formulation studies and clinical testing of ShigETEC in the pediatric population in resource poor-countries. These activities are supported by the EU-funded SHIGETECVAX international consortium of world-leading vaccine organizations – the European Vaccine Initiative, Eveliqure Biotechnologies, University of Gothenburg, icddr,b and PATH.

“Entering clinical development with ShigETEC marks a major milestone for Eveliqure, culminating from our extensive preclinical work performed over the past five years” – commented Gábor Somogyi, MD, MBA, Chief Executive Officer of Eveliqure. “We believe that ShigETEC has the potential to reduce the burden of diarrhoeal diseases for travellers, while also saving hundreds of thousands of children in endemic areas of the world”.

“Initiating the Phase 1 study for ShigETEC in adult volunteers is a crucial step towards establishing safety and immunogenicity of our vaccine candidate, and will help us define a well-tolerated, and effective schedule of dosing for our planned Phase 2 human challenge studies”. – commented Frank Malinoski MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer of Eveliqure.

Compared to single pathogen approaches, ShigETEC has the potential to have a major impact on diarrheal diseases, protecting both travelers to the developing world and children in endemic populations.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

American Hemp Processing To Roll Out Mobile Extraction Units

Sacramento, California, 2019-Dec-10 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — American Hemp Processing (AHP) is excited to announce the design completion of their Mobile Hemp Extraction Unit (MEHU). This is a key step in AHP’s expansion to increase production to 400,000lbs of hemp per month that will be completed 1st quarter 2020. The mobility of the MEHU reduces overall processing costs, mitigates many of the risks associated to transportation, and increases transparency with farmers.

The MHEU units bring significant benefits to the farmer from both a financial and risk mitigation perspective. “Most hemp farms are not close to processing facilities. Transportation is a large cost and increases the risk of degradation and contamination. On top of that, farmers still have to deal with legal issues in states that aren’t familiar with hemp and mistake it for marijuana,” says Andrew Alvarez Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer “Additionally, it increases transparency with farmers and helps educate them along the way to build synergistic relationships”.

“The design of the MHEU was Phase 2 of our strategy,” says Shick Park Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer, “Phase 1 was developing a scalable extraction and remediation process enabling us to create high quality and compliant CBD oil, and Phase 3 is the roll-out of the mobile extraction units on to farms fall of 2020.”

“This caps off a 12 month design process by our engineers and now we go to the assembly phase. These units will take approximately 120 days each to build, and we plan to initially build 3,” says Co-Founder and CEO Tom Richardson. “This has been a very rewarding journey for us, from meeting farmers all over the country, to government legislators, to fine tuning the extraction process, to meeting other processors and sharing ideas, we feel very confident about the Cannabinoid Sector business.”

Via EPR Network
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Ridgefield, New Jersey, 2019-May-02 — /EPR Network/ — General Devices (GD) has announced that, after following a rigorous review process, GD e-Bridge™ is now FirstNet Listed and available via the FirstNet App Catalog.

FirstNet – America’s public safety communications platform – features the first-ever App Catalog geared to first responders. This gives FirstNet subscribers a dedicated location to find meaningful new solutions that have been specifically reviewed for use with FirstNet services. Before any mobile solution can be added to the FirstNet App Catalog, it must pass stringent tests for security, relevancy, data privacy and more.

Achieving a FirstNet Listed designation means GD e-Bridge is a vetted and trusted solution for public safety, meeting FirstNet app requirements. Additionally, FirstNet subscribers will be able to experience the benefits of key FirstNet capabilities – like First Priority®, which enables priority and, for first responders, preemption – while using GD e-Bridge. FirstNet subscribers will also be able to take advantage of the GD e-Bridge solution while benefitting from the enhanced security provided by the FirstNet network core, which is the only physically separate network core dedicated entirely to public safety in America.

Out-of-hospital healthcare is changing, and mobile telemedicine is making a real positive difference. The emphasis now is providing the right care, at the right place and right time. This is especially true in rural regions, but also in the case of time sensitive, acute care issues everywhere like heart attack, stroke and sepsis.

“From the first medical contact by EMS in the field, the GD e-Bridge mobile telemedicine and workflow app provides data and team communications that shave precious minutes off lifesaving treatment,” said Curt Bashford, GD’s CEO.

The hospital ED is not always the appropriate destination for non-acute emergencies. The role of Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine is growing. Plus, the newly announced HHS ‘Emergency Triage, Treat and Transport’ (ET3) program better aligns reimbursement incentives and enables appropriate on-site treatment and transport to alternate destinations, such as urgent care centers – provided they are managed with mobile telemedicine and telehealth support. That’s where GD e-Bridge also comes in and enables simply better, more cost-effective care.

Built with AT&T in a public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority, FirstNet is bringing public safety a much-needed technology upgrade to help them connect to the critical information they need – every day and in every emergency.

“Only highly secure, high quality, public safety relevant applications are added to the FirstNet App Catalog. And we’re pleased that GD e-Bridge is now Listed and available to FirstNet subscribers,” said Bob Sloan, chief operating officer, FirstNet Program at AT&T. “GD e-Bridge will bring public safety additional capabilities to improve decision-making, enhance situational awareness, help save lives and improve outcomes.”

“Through our work with first responders, we heard their need for innovative applications to assist with their lifesaving mission. FirstNet is helping to address these needs, and we are pleased to welcome GD e-Bridge to the FirstNet App Catalog,” said Mark Golaszewski, executive director of Technology and Innovation, First Responder Network Authority.

To learn more about GD e-Bridge, go to For more on FirstNet, check out

FirstNet and the FirstNet logo are registered trademarks of the First Responder Network Authority. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

Via EPR Network
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The LentiGlobin application for cMAA at the EMA from bluebird bio still in review process by CHMP

LONDON, 27-Mar-2019 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — The LentiGlobin application for Conditional Marketing Authorization (cMAA) at the EMA from bluebird bio is still in the process of being reviewed by CHMP during their 25-28 March 2019 meeting. An opinion for the cMAA is expected to be released soon.

SOURCE: EuropaWire



GenieMD to Feature Award Winning AI-based Telemedicine Platform at HIMSS19

San Francisco, CA, 2019-Jan-24 — /EPR Network/ — GenieMD will be exhibiting at HIMSS19 in Orlando, Florida February 11-15, 2019. The GenieMD team will be showcasing their iVisit Telemedicine platform. GenieMD’s award-winning Telemedicine platform, driven by an AI engine, assists in the patient’s triage allowing for a streamlined consult with their physician through its HIPAA compliant text messaging, video visits and question-based asynchronous visits.

Patients are demanding convenience, expanded access and lower cost of health care. Doctors are overwhelmed with simple cases which take up most of their consult time. Clinics are struggling to manage costs in light of their patients increasingly use of alternative channels to seek treatment. To address these challenges, technology companies are innovating new ways for patients to gain access to providers. Government regulators are responding more favorably to the use of these methods including Telemedicine. Therefore, Telemedicine adoption is growing at a rapid pace.

“At GenieMD, our mission is to help improve the quality of human life by providing solutions that enable people to live healthier and longer.” – Dr. Soheil Saadat, CEO

The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to democratize healthcare globally.

Via EPR Network
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Just For Diabetics Website Offers Hope for Pre-diabetics, Type 2 diabetics, and the Overweight

Research shows that the best time to take action to reverse pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes is when you are at the stage of managing these conditions.

Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2018-Nov-06 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — November is world diabetes month. When people are diagnosed type 2 diabetic, the first line of defense is the use of prescription drugs in order to manage the diabetes. But what victims of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes are not aware of is that research performed by Just For Diabetics website founder, Ernest Quansah, shows that when patients are managing their pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, it is the best opportunity for them to reverse it and be weaned off the prescription drugs. The research results are evidence based. Many doctors and institutions now agree that this is the case. Recently, the University of British Columbia, in conjunction with Pharmasave, a drugstore chain, began offering obese people and type 2 diabetics a diet plan aimed at reversal of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The cost of their plan is $500 a month. The diet plan calls for no consumption of refined sugar, potatoes, fruit, fruit juices, sweet drinks of any kind, rice, bread, and consumption of cooked vegetables for lunch, cooked chicken breast for dinner and so on. Many of the participants are seniors, the overweight, or obese. After several thousand of dollars spent, many participants lose weight and their doctors take them off their diabetes drugs.

Quansah’s program includes a specialized diabetes exercise regime along with vitamin therapy and a carefully designed tasty menu cycle. He himself completely reversed his severe case of type 2 diabetes after compiling this program, which was the culmination of thorough research. This research included the advice of several physicians. Quansah, founder of Just For Diabetics and the author of Diabetics Journey says: “For several years, I have been educating people about how type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes can be reversed through the program offered on my website. Now we see that one of Canada’s finest Universities and a drug store chain are doing the same.”

The website, offers a free weight-loss program, a free diabetes reversal program, as well as an inexpensive paid program. The extensive program includes a full menu regime, exercise videos, tutorials, in addition to a cooking video demonstration, all for less than $180. Quansah wisely suggests that those on the program be monitored by their doctors.

Quansah’s research and findings have been published in the WebMD Diabetes magazine in the article “Secret recipe: How a Chef Cured His Type 2 Diabetes”, as well as on the WebMD website. There is hope for reversing pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes (the type that does not require insulin injections,) and for overcoming being overweight.

“Misinformation about type 2 diabetes is rampant. For diabetics to heal, they need a complete change of attitude and way of thinking. This means, they should not just accept managing their condition, but rather, understand that they can be healed. Further, complacency about pre-diabetes leads to full-blown diabetes, which can lead to heart disease, blindness, liver failure, impotence, limb amputations and early death,” cautions Quansah.

Quansah has been asked to be guest speaker at the Diabetes and Healthcare Conference being held in Helsinki, Norway, in November 2018 and to be keynote speaker at the Diabetes Care Conference being held in Malaysia in May of 2019. His speech topic will include how to help diabetics heal and resultantly reduce healthcare costs.

Via EPR Network
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Dr. Christina Marrongelli chosen by the World Congress on Pharmacology & Chemistry of Natural Compounds to moderate their 2018 conference in Paris

Dr. Christina Marrongelli chosen by the World Congress on Pharmacology & Chemistry of Natural Compounds to moderate their 2018 conference in Paris

Marrongelli selected for her expertise in Botanical Drug Development

LONDON, Jun-16-2018 — /EPR Healthcare News/ — As a leading expert in her field, Dr. Christina Marrongelli, PharmD has been chosen by the World Congress on Pharmacology & Chemistry of Natural Compounds to moderate their 2018 conference: Exploring New Trends & Innovations in Pharmacology and Natural Compounds. The conference is being held in Paris, France on June 18, 2018.

Dr. Marrongelli, who is an adjunct professor at the Medical University of South Carolina in the department of drug discovery and biomedical sciences will also present “Developing and Marketing Botanical Drugs in the United States”.

The United States, which has the largest pharmaceutical market in the world, demonstrates a strong demand for the use of botanicals as medicine. However, to date only two prescription botanical drugs are currently approved for use in the USA: Veregen® (sinecatechins) and Mytesi™Â (crofelemer).

Marrongelli attributes this disconnect between supply and demand to hidden barriers. She notes that with the worldwide herbal drug market is expected to reach nearly $86.74 billion by 2022, businesses must identify and address these barriers so that heterogeneous botanical drug products can obtain the approvals necessary to meet the consumers growing expectations and demands for botanical medicines.

To further explain the barriers to regulation of botanicals, Marrongelli points to the Botanical Drug Development Guidance for Industry from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) that was last updated in 2016. According to publication, regulation of botanicals in the U.S. is different from regulation in the rest of world. The U.S. does not have a separate regulatory category for traditional or herbal medicines: A botanical product may be classified as a food (including a dietary supplement), drug (including a biological drug), medical device, or cosmetic under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). Whether an article is a food, drug, medical device, or cosmetic depends in large part on its intended use.

To learn more about the issues and barriers to the development of botanical drugs, please contact Dr. Marrongelli at or

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark, Fraunhofer Institute Portugal and ProjectRay named the winners of the European Silver Economy Awards 2018

Winners of the first European Silver Economy Awards: Boaz Zilberman (ProjectRay), Anne Friis Hansen (Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark) and Ana Vasconcelos (Fraunhoder Institute Portugal)

BRUSSELS, Belgium, 20-May-2018 — /EPR Healthcare News/ — On Thursday May 3, the first edition of the European Silver Economy Awards has celebrated its winners under the patronage of Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Markku Markkula, First Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions. The ceremony took place at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels and has been designed as an event that brings together key speakers and innovators from both the public and private sector.

The first prize in the category Public Authorities has been awarded to the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark (Denmark) for their Generic Telemedicine Platform. The Fraunhofer Institute Portugal (Portugal) submitted a tool for fall prevention and detection (GoLive Solutions) and was the winning Non-for Profit Organisation. Introducing a smartphone solution (RAY Solutions) for visually impaired people, ProjectRay (Israel) has won in the category For Profit Organisation.

The Silver Economy Awards have been launched to recognise and reward innovative ICT solutions from all sectors, to raise awareness of the potentials of this section of the economy and to bring together European stakeholders under a common goal: supporting and improving the quality of life of older persons in society. On behalf of Commissioner Gabriel, Cabinet Member Manuel Mateo Goyet described the first Silver Economy Awards as representing a “milestone on our way towards becoming a truly age-friendly Europe”, and promoted the ceremony as “a unique occasion to send a very positive message on how we see the future of ageing” showing “the true value of collaboration in Europe”.

Celebrating the nine finalists and their dedication to making Europe an age-friendlier place, Markku Markkula, host and moral patron of the Silver Economy Awards, declares his acknowledgement: “I want them in my region”. More than 95 applications coming from 22 countries have been submitted for consideration in three awards categories referring to the type of organisation. Over 40 Silver Economy experts were involved in the three-staged evaluation process to determine Winner, Second and Third.

For more details on the winner entries and an overview of the final ranking of the first European Silver Economy Awards 2018 edition please visit

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Prof. Lucien Abenhaim: There is an incredible challenge for the sustainability of health systems across the world

Prof. Lucien Abenhaim

LONDON, Dec-3-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — On December 5-6, 2017, 200 high-level experts from government, academia, biopharmaceutical developers and patient organisations convene in London (UK) to address the mounting challenge of accessibility and patient access to high-value, high-cost medical therapies.

The not-for-profit executive forum is organised by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and analytica|LASER, a global research consultancy, to investigate topical questions around drug policy, global health systems sustainability and innovation funding through a combination of case studies, panel sessions, and roundtables. Delegations are registered from over 70 public and private organisations, including the World Health Organization, as well as health systems representatives from Belgium, England, Estonia, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, the United States and Wales. Multiple patient organisations support the meeting to ensure that the patient voice is reflected in all deliberations.

“Access to life-saving drugs is not a new challenge. The paradigm of accessibility was changed completely in the face of the deadly HIV epidemic. This time, however, accessibility concerns almost every domain of medicine such as cancer, auto-immune diseases and rare diseases. We must act now,” says Prof Peter Piot, Director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and former head of UNAIDS.

“There is an incredible challenge for the sustainability of health systems across the world”, says Prof. Lucien Abenhaim, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Chairman of Analytica Laser. “It is critical that drug developers and health system engage on actionable proposals that address concerns around value, cost and overall access to innovation for the patients who need it. We are at an inflection point – the paradigms of the 1990’s can no longer guide us,” he adds.

The main plenary on December 6th features scheduled remarks by over a dozen authorities in the field, including Professor Baron Peter Piot (Director, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and former Head, UNAIDS), Dr. Olivier Brandicourt (Chief Executive Officer, Sanofi), Dr. Sarah Garner (World Health Organization), Prof. Dominique Le Guludec (President, French HAS), Sir Andrew Dillon (Chief Executive, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence UK) and Dr. Harold Paz (Chief Medical Officer, Aetna). The plenary is preceded by a scientific seminar on December 5th which gathers globally renowned academics to explore new frontiers on the methodology for the appraisal and valuation of high-value medicines.

Please contact the organisers for more information on the programming and media access, or refer to

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Five Years After Iraq War’s Official End, a New York Community Is Still Healing

NEW YORK, NY, 2017-Jan-14 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — As the Iraq War’s official end in December 2011 marks its fifth anniversary, many questions remain on its fallouts. New York’s French-American community is one of them, as it remembers its blacklisting when France opted out of attacking Iraq.

Choosing diplomatic pressure rather than “shock and awe” ignited fury for many in New York. The call for anti-French boycotts resonated in tabloids as pictures of New Yorkers spilling wines in gutters vied with accusations of an ally’s betrayal and cowardice. Information can be found by searching for “New York’s anti-French boycotts and Iraq,” and “Freedom fries.”

How effective were the boycotts? “Very much so, even devastating,” says French consulate’s official physician and mental health coordinator at the time, Gérard Sunnen, MD, “the French-American community of New York was stunned by their virulence and persistence. Why, many wondered, did they materialize only in New York, in striking contrast to the rest of the country?”

“Targeted were all manner of French-American businesses, from Air France to bakeries, as rosters of marked companies circulated widely. Earliest felled were restaurants, whose sales plummeted by as much as half. Like dominoes, they closed their doors, dismissing their workers. Called by many the “consulate’s darkest hour,” it went on for interminable months, years, and still resonates today.”

“As layoffs mounted,” Dr. Sunnen added, “so did their mental health consequences, from all manner of stress reactions to self-destructive depressions. And workers suddenly out of work could not find employment because no one would take them. The consulate’s social services department work load soared to levels never attained before.”

Faced with this onslaught, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) was repeatedly contacted to lend the community its medical and mental health assistance. In addition, New York State and city top officials were insistently asked to add their voice to call off the boycotts. All appeals remained unanswered and, for reasons of non-assistance and abandonment of responsibility, this matter was eventually reported and filed in New York and Federal courts.

Dr. Sunnen, who also cites his experience as a Vietnam-era U.S. veteran, concludes, “history needs constant reckoning, otherwise it can remain a fable. These events are now brought to light so that long-term allies can better understand and appreciate the meaning of their special relationship.”


Gérard Sunnen, MD,
Supreme Court, State of New York, No. 102194/2012
U.S. District Court, Southern District of NY 12 Civ. 3417
U.S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 13-465cv
U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) 1:13-cv-1242
New York State Division of Human Rights (NYSDHR) No. 10181422
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) No. DCA96MA070

Contact-Details: Gerard Sunnen, MD

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New York’s Health Agency (NYSDOH) Cited in Iraq War’s Blowback

New York, NY, 2016-Dec-31 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — As the Iraq War’s official end on December 18, 2011 marks its fifth anniversary, many questions remain on its fallouts. New York’s French-American community is one of them, as it remembers its blacklisting when France opted out of attacking Iraq.

Choosing diplomatic pressure rather than “shock and awe” ignited fury for many in New York. The call for anti-French boycotts resonated in tabloids as pictures of New Yorkers spilling wines in gutters vied with accusations of an ally’s betrayal and cowardice. Information can be found by googling “New York’s French boycotts and Iraq,” and “Freedom fries.”

How effective were the boycotts? “Very much so, even devastating,” says French consulate’s official physician and mental health coordinator at the time, Gérard Sunnen, MD, “the French-American community of New York was stunned by their virulence. Why, many wondered, did they materialize only in New York, in striking contrast to the rest of the country?”

“Targeted were all manner of French-American businesses, from Air France to bakeries, as rosters of marked companies circulated widely. Earliest felled were restaurants, whose sales plummeted by as much as half. Like dominoes, they closed their doors, dismissing their workers. Called by many the “consulate’s darkest hour,” it went on for weeks, interminable months, and still resonates today.”

“As layoffs mounted,” Dr. Sunnen added, “so did their mental health consequences, from all manner of stress reactions to self-destructive depressions. And workers suddenly out of work could not find employment because no one would take them. The consulate’s social services department work load soared to levels never attained before.”

Faced with this onslaught, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) was repeatedly contacted to lend the community its medical and mental health assistance. In addition, New York state and city top officials were insistently asked to add their voice to call off the boycotts. All appeals remained unanswered and, for reasons of non-assistance and abandonment of responsibility, this matter was eventually reported and filed in New York and Federal courts.

Dr. Sunnen, who also cites his experience as a Vietnam-era U.S. veteran, concludes, “history needs constant reckoning, otherwise it can remain a fable. These events are now brought to light so that long-term allies can better understand the meaning of their relationship.”


Gérard Sunnen, MD:
Supreme Court, State of New York, No. 102194/2012
U.S. District Court, Southern District of NY 12 Civ. 3417
U.S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 13-465cv
U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) 1:13-cv-1242
New York State Division of Human Rights (NYSDHR) No. 10181422
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) No. DCA96MA070

Contact-Details: Gerard Sunnen, MD

Via EPR Network
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Kaeng Raeng Launches Amazon Ambassador Program

Palo Alto, CA, June 27, 2015 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — Kaeng Raeng, a leading creator of natural dietary supplements and cosmetics, best known for it’s 3-day Detox Cleanse program, has announced the launch of a new Amazon Ambassador program.

Amazon’s community guidelines allow for brands to provide free product or samples of products to individuals in exchange for an expectation of an Amazon review. Kaeng Raeng will accept applicants via their website to sample product offerings in expectation of ambassadors leaving Amazon reviews, which are not required to be positive-just honest.

Those interested in becoming Amazon Ambassadors can apply here:, to become part of this exciting new program.

About Kaeng Raeng
Based in Palo Alto, California, Kaeng Raeng is a leading creator of natural dietary supplements and cosmetics. Founded by certified personal trainer and Stanford alumna Lindsay Reinsmith, Kaeng Raeng is a delicious, convenient, and affordable cleanse program. For more information, visit or join the brand on Facebook at

Kaeng Raeng – Be Healthy. Be Strong.

Contact: Kelly Bronson
Kaeng Raeng Director of Marketing


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Free doctor visit to celebrate Tampa Bay’s newest Centra Care location

Tampa, FL, February 12, 2015 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — To celebrate the Grand Opening of their newest urgent care medical center, Florida Hospital Centra Care is offering 100 FREE urgent care health passes to families in Tampa Bay.* Residents have a chance to collect an urgent care health pass between Tuesday, February 17th and Friday, February 27th at either of the following Centra Care locations: (while supplies last)

Carrollwood Centra Care
4001 W. Linebaugh Ave.
(Near Gunn Hwy )

South Tampa Centra Care
301 N. Dale Mabry Hwy.
(Just north of Kennedy Blvd. )

Pass holders can redeem their health coupons for most Centra Care services, from the unexpected urgent care visit to wellness exams such as school or sports physicals.

Florida Hospital Centra Care has been serving Florida patients for over 35 years. The all-new Carrollwood location is Centra Care’s fourth in the Tampa Bay area and its 26th location throughout the state. The brand new center will provide Carrollwood-area residents with fast and convenient care for urgent, nonemergency medical needs. Centra Care’s team of board certified, adult and pediatric-trained doctors will be available to families seven days a week – weekdays from 8AM–8PM and weekends from 8AM–5PM.

Because time is valuable, Centra Care offers an online, No Wait Reservations system to schedule to see a doctor when it’s convenient for patients. But, because Centra Care understands injuries and illnesses can happen at the most unexpected moments, walk-ins are always welcome.

*Each health pass is good for one free urgent care visit per household and will be available while supplies last. Free services do not include X-Rays, Labs or medications. Passes valid through 09/01/15.

Visit for information and directions


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Regenexx Announces the Publication of “Orthopedics 2.0 – How Regenerative Medicine and Interventional Orthopedics will Change Everything” on Amazon Kindle

Broomfield, CO, February 02, 2015 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — With more than 40,000 downloads, “Orthopedics 2.0 – How Regenerative Medicine and Interventional Orthopedics will Change Everything” is now available on Amazon Kindle. The third edition of the top-selling e-book is being offered as a free download through Jan. 6, 2015.

Written by Dr. Chris Centeno, this e-book delves into the human musculoskeletal system and explains how everything works together in concert to maintain our physical wellbeing. When a single component in this chain is damaged, it can lead to a cascade of joint, spine and connective tissue problems, resulting in chronic pain.

Using the Regenexx SANS approach, Orthopedics 2.0 walks you through a series of tests and exercises that you can do on your own to better understand where your own body is struggling to maintain proper stability and alignment, explaining the possible reasons and long term implications along the way. Orthopedics 2.0 also explores how Regenexx is pioneering the new field of Interventional Orthopedics, where the use of regenerative biologic treatments, such as adult stem cell therapy and platelet rich plasma, are being used to help repair and strengthen damaged tissues, as opposed to invasive surgeries that often remove important tissues when a joint or the spine becomes damaged.

With hyperlinks to more detailed information, related studies and commentary, this book condenses a vast amount of data and resources into an enjoyable and entertaining read.

About Regenexx
Since its genesis in 2005, Regenexx has been a world-leader in the use of adult stem cell treatments for orthopedic conditions, providing non-surgical, biologic therapies delivered with high accuracy through a needle. Regenexx has collected and published more data on stem cell patients than any other company and are dedicated to reinventing orthopedic care to help patients avoid invasive surgery.

Featured on television and media outlets such as the Doctors TV show, ABC News, Good Morning America and many others, Regenexx is taking orthopedic stem cell therapy to an exciting new level.

For more information about this e-book or to talk with a Regenexx Liaison, please call 888-525-3005 or email Visit Regenexx online at:

Contact-Details: Regenexx
Contact: Mark Testa
403 Summit Blvd., Suite 201
Broomfield, CO 80021
Phone: 888.525.3005
Web –

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Hays PureWater Launches $10,000 Campaign To Save Lives

WASHINGTON, IA, November 25, 2014 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — 783 million people live each day without clean water and 3.4 million die annually from a lack of pure water. To combat these staggering statistics, Washington-based nonprofit, Hays PureWater, launched a crowd-funding campaign. The money raised will fund 30 Khlor Glen technology units to purify water for 150,000 individuals. The organization hopes to raise $10,000 by December 1st.

Hosted on crowd-funding platform IndieGoGo, the project offers nine sponsorship levels. Each level includes novelty “rewards” for donors, ranging from stickers to t-shirts to a trip to Haiti. The rewards are unique, innovative and hands on, giving donors a sense of ownership in the project. For just $2,500, an investor can travel to Haiti (all inclusive) to see the life changing benefits first hand.

The Khlor Glen is a simple unit that turns salt water into chlorine. The chlorine treats infected water, removing deadly impurities and toxins in just one hour. It’s solar powered and easily used in remote areas, where clean water is most needed. “It will also impact malaria zones as it can be used as a bug repellant and protect from disease,” says founder John Hays. “Even just using the chlorine produced by the unit as a sanitizer can cut down on so many infections that the natives in these areas don’t even know exist.”

In the last eight years, Hays PureWater distributed over 4,000 purifying units around the world, changing entire communities by implementing this system. It’s proven to work. Hays builds each system with the help of a dedicated group of volunteers. Nothing is outsourced, ensuring the most effective product for the lowest cost. Now all they need is help from their community to change the lives of those in need once more.

See the crowd-funding campaign here:

ABOUT Hays PureWater
In 2006, after traveling around developing nations on missions trips, John Hays began to create a low cost, portable solution for water purification. John, who worked with municipal water works for over 30 years, put his experience to use and developed the Khlor Gen system. Through the years, the design and look has been changed and improved, but the mission has stayed the same. The organization exists to provide people with clean water, reaching out to them through word and deed. Eight years and 4,000 units later, that mission continues full steam ahead. For more information, logon to


Contact-Details: TJ Widbin

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Nutrit Meal Replacement To Start Crowdsource Campaign

We are pleased to announce that Nutrit Meal Replacement is starting a Crowdtilt Campaign for its initial production run.

On the heals of the successful campaign for Soylent, Nutrit promises a meal replacement product that has been totally reimagined. Nutrit provides a complete days nutrition while helping a person avoid processed ingredients, soy, wheat, dairy, GMOs, and Dairy. Nutrit is made up of organic proteins and fats, flavored with organic cocoa. Nutrit costs less than fast food, is easier to make than instant noodles, and tastes similar to chocolate milk.

Meal replacement as an idea is a sound one. In a fast paced society, its hard to avoid problem ingredients and at the same time get the nutrition one requires to stay healthy. Its all too easy, in a pinch, to reach for something in a vending machine or fall back on take out food. To date, meal replacement products and protein concoctions offer an unmeasured nutrient value, and mostly contain ingredients that can cause inflammation. Nutrit has solved those problems by being an easy mix powder, that offers an organic, non-GMO ingredient list that mirrors RDA requirements.

Nutrits Crowdtilt campaign is primarily being undertaken to provide funds to meet our vendors initial minimum order quantities. The merits of this product stand on there own, and we feel it is important to get it out there. Nutrit can help the average person avoid problem ingredients, and control calorie intake, all while getting more complete nutrition than is afforded by a standard diet.

Find out more at our site; and get involved at:
Only with your help can we bring this truly novel product to market and the world.

Contact Details:

Paul Wolos

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