Tag Archives: vista-bay-drug-rehab

VistaBay Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment Facilities With Holistic Programs

The Vista Bay Drug Rehab Program’s success rate in curing prescription drug addictions is one of the top in the world. This incredible achievement is due largely to the fact that Vistabay Rehabilitation employs the tested and proven Narconon drug rehab plan. Narconon is a holistic program that treats the addict as a whole person. This specific program is based on a four-phase recovery method that is founded on the fact that addictions can be cured. Vista Bay Rehab successfully treats and cures various prescription addictions. This includes Oxycontin, Xanax, Suboxone, Methadone and Vicodin.

VistaBay Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment Facilities With Holistic Programs

April, 2010 – Vista Bay Drug Rehab has one of the highest success rates in the world for curing prescription drug addictions. The center’s phenomenal success is attributed to the fact that the Narconon Program is utilized. This method of recovery is solidly based on the notion that addictions can be cured. The holistic approach is comprehensive. Addicts are treated as people with addictions, which means their whole person is treated rather than only the substance abuse. The program is completed in a series of steps or phases, which begins with detoxification. Vista Bay Holistic Recovery offers hope for those addicted to prescription drugs.

Now more than ever before, prescription drug addiction is a risk factor for millions of people. Oxycontin, Xanax, Suboxone, Methadone, and Vicodin are notorious for being abused by both teenagers and adults. Some prescription drugs can produce euphoric feelings and others may result in the user feeling energetic, talkative, or just an overall sense of happiness. Others may help in weight loss efforts. As one enjoys the benefits it is sometimes easy to abuse the medications. A tolerance can quickly develop and soon the individual is addicted. In almost every case an individual will wait for a defining moment that they consider to be ‘rock bottom’ before seeking help. By that time the addiction has affected body, mind, and spirit.

That is why the Vista Bay Holistic Recovery program is so effective. The holistic approach of the Narconon program begins with a unique detoxification. Detox at Vistabay Rehabilitation incorporates exercise, dry sauna sweating and vitamins to rid the body of the residues from the drugs. Without detox the residuals of the drugs can remain in the body for years. Detoxification frees the individual from feeling the adverse effects of the drugs that were taken in the past.

After completion of detox, Phase I, Vista bay Drug Rehab continues with a focus on education. Phases II and III are designed to teach self-control and build self-esteem. This educational process is an essential element of the Vista Bay holistic recovery approach. The fourth and final phase of Vistabay Rehabilitation is that of a follow up program. This phase is designed to assist the individual in making a smooth transition back into society. Regular contact with the graduate and immediate family is maintained during this phase.

Via EPR Network
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Vista Bay Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities Go Green

Vista Bay Drug Rehab was perhaps ahead of its time. The holistic and drug free drug and alcohol treatment centers have been green for 42 years. Now it appears that the rest of the culture is catching up to this leading drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility.

Vista Bay rehab measures its success on the individuals that attain a state of permanent sobriety. They have been able to achieve a 76% rate of success toward this goal. While some may consider this number to be an average rating based on scholastic scores, it is really more like a AAA rating when compared to traditional 12-step programs that have success rates as low as 2%.

The Vista Bay holistic program begins with a detoxification process. A hot sauna, vitamin supplements, and fluid intake regime stimulates the body’s natural ability to cleanse itself. The result is a clean mind and purified body that is free from toxins and addictive substances.

With a clear mind the individuals in the Vista Bay drug rehab program are better able to understand and implement essential skills that are developed in the life skills courses. The life skills courses provide a foundation for improved decision making and coping mechanisms for the individuals upon graduation. There are several Vista Bay videos that help to further illustrate the program and may be found online.

With a solid foundation from the life skills courses a comprehensive discharge plan is established to assist individuals as they are integrated back into daily life. The discharge plan is tailored to the individual and provides a strategy for successful long-term sobriety.

As a complement to the holistic program of Vista Bay, they charge only a single fee for their treatment. The single fee includes an unspecified duration at the treatment facilities. This allows each individual to recover on their own time without the added concern of having to pay for an extended stay in the event that they are not ready.

Additionally, the Vista Bay drug rehab program has an option to return to the facility for up to 30 days in the event that an individual relapses while following their approved discharge plan. The non-profit organization definitely goes above and beyond in order to help people in their recovery.

Vista Bay videos are available online in order to help individuals obtain more information about the success of Vista Bay rehab.

Via EPR Network
Healthcare press releases

Vista Bay Drug Rehab Facilities Take Holistic Alcohol Treatment Programs To Recovery For Life Success Status

Vista Bay Drug Rehab offers an avant-garde approach to alcohol treatment that is taking the industry by storm. The holistic methodology used results in an extremely high rate of success. At 76% success rate for clients that have completed the program and remained drug and alcohol free for a year, Vista Bay is one of the leading programs in the nation. One of the most obvious reasons for this achievement is the fact that Vista Bay Rehab is based on the philosophy that the completion of the program ‘takes as long as it takes’. This philosophy combined with the holistic approach and the aftercare program results in extraordinary success rates.

The typical stay in the Vista Bay Drug Rehab program is 3 to 5 months but some clients may stay less than three months and others may stay six months or longer. The key is that each client begins the program with different skill sets and with varying degrees of needs. Because Vista Bay works diligently to insure that clients are ready to re-enter society before graduating, some will graduate sooner than others. This allows time to provide all clients with the tools needed that will help to provide a life of recovery.

A holistic approach is one that is extremely thorough and all inclusive. Each aspect of the person’s being is addressed. This comprehensive technique requires that the rehabilitation concentrates on physical needs as well as mental, emotional, social, and even spiritual. For more information about how the program works Vista Bay Drug Rehab videos are provided at the websites. These videos help explain the program and answer some of the frequently asked questions.

Vista Bay has one of the highest success rates in the industry. While the average success rate is 20% this program proudly boasts a success rate of 76%. The approach used by Vista Bay Rehab is unique because it is holistic in nature and it is not restricted to a specific timeframe. The program is founded on the philosophy that ‘it takes as long as it takes’. This distinctive approach toward alcohol and drug treatment is more thoroughly explained in the Vista bay drug rehab videos.

Via EPR Network
Healthcare press releases

Vista Bay Drug Rehab Success Through Holistic Cocaine Addiction Recovery

Video footage posted on YouTube offers the public a rare glimpse at Narconon Vista Bay Rehab, a drug and alcohol treatment center that’s renowned worldwide for its holistic cocaine addiction recovery program. Vista Bay Drug Rehab is not the sort of facility that’s in the spotlight, despite the fact that Narconon has built a reputation for highly effective holistic treatment programs for over 40 years. While the facility is highly regarded (with recognition that extends to being awarded a Congressional Certificate), the staff is content to let the center’s success in helping patients finally overcome their addictions speak for itself.

Vista Bay Drug Rehab Success Through Holistic Cocaine Addiction Recovery

Brandon (his last name is with held to protect his identity), a 22 year old who fought addictions to cocaine, marijuana and alcohol, is a typical success story. After years of substance abuse, doctors told him he had suffered permanent nerve damage. He was literally throwing his life away. He enrolled at vistabay, hoping to turn his life around, and after graduation wrote:

“I have been clean now for five months, and I will continue on this track for the rest of my life… I feel blessed that the Narconon program saved my life and I have learned to live life, instead of letting my environment (sic) have a negative effect on me.”

There have been thousands of other patients like Brandon. Watching the video on YouTube, where a graduate of the program recounts everything he’s gained since completing treatment, including reaching the stage where he’s able to set and achieve goals in his life, is poignant and helps to put a human face on why Narconon expends so much effort in helping people overcome addictions.

Vista Bay Drug Rehab Center is different from most other drug rehab clinics. The patient is the priority and the treatment program for each patient is customized to meet their individual needs. An all natural, holistic approach to cocaine addiction is employed, rather than the clinical treatment that most centers rely on and the success rate of Vista Bay Rehab supports the idea that holistic treatment is a superior method.

Narconon has offered drug addiction rehabilitation for over 40 years and the cocaine addiction program at Vista Bay Rehab continues to gain recognition for its success rate. Even though 30 days of additional treatment are offered should a patient suffer a relapse within six months of graduating from the program, the staff is seldom called upon to make good on this promise. Based in California, with a beautiful and well equipped facility (which can be seen on the YouTube video), Vista Bay Drug Rehab is truly a permanent solution to cocaine addiction and other substance abuse issues.

Vista Bay Rehab and Bay Area Community Create Family Intervention Success

Family is the constant that everyone should be able to count on. When a family member loses their way, becoming caught in the net of drug or alcohol addiction, Narconon Vista Bay Rehab is the addiction treatment facility of choice for family members who care enough to take action. While the holistic program at Vista Bay Drug Rehab differs radically from most clinical addiction recovery programs, the staff and their ability to reach out to the family of patients is one of the key reasons that vista bay graduates succeed where so many others fail. Testimonial from G.G., a father whose addict son was spiraling out of control is typical of what family members say of the program:

Vista Bay Rehab and Bay Area Community Create Family Intervention Success

“Living at home after his third state rehab stay things went from bad to worse. Our son began to steal money from family and friends. He would pawn expensive household things to support his habit. His cocaine habit had torn our family apart and the decision was made, I would take my own son to jail. I was forcibly placing him in the car when my wife came to me with what she called, the answer. She had contacted a man named Francisco at a place named Narconon. I told her it was just another 28 day rip off, but today I am glad she insisted. My son is still at Narconon, not as a patient, but helping others with their problems. ”

Other testimonials from families in the Bay area community, including those beginning to show up as a video on YouTube, are common. They reflect the fact that Vista Bay offers an extremely effective addiction treatment program (often succeeding where others have failed multiple times) and that the staff and family interaction, whether through intervention, treatment or follow-up after graduation, is both valuable and recognized within the community.

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases